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Not All Websites Are Created Equal

The Hidden Costs of Dropped Rankings A Deeper Dive into Website Quality, Security, Performance, and Google Rankings Just like anything else in life, the quality and performance of a website are only bound by the skill and knowledge of the people who create them. A website in its basic creation is a simple thing, but

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Website and Printed Material for new Restaurant

Looking to attract more customers and grow your business? With our expertise in web design and digital marketing, we can create a custom website for your establishment that reflects your brand’s personality, attracts more customers, and effortlessly allows your customers to interact with your business. Take a look at this website we created for Il

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Google AdWords and the correct way to use them

As per the title this is to advise that “Smart campaigns” while quick to set up is not necessarily the best way to go about starting your Google ads. In this article, we are going to be using the advanced dashboard and “Search campaigns” it should be noted that these are no longer the default

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Digital Marketing Plan

We welcome aboard Teak Garden Furniture Sales onto our Digital Marketing plan and look forward to developing the website to help grow the business. Visit the website at https://www.teakgardenfurnituresales.com/ More on Digital Marketing and how we help develop websites including content, Social, Google rankings and much more…

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Pro Web Design for Businesses

Professional Web Design for Businesses

Attention business owners! Fed up with slow, unreliable & poorly formatted websites? These issues can be quite common & cost you a lot of time/money trying to put them right. Forget about those issues & get a website that is fast, optimised & ready to start making sales by simply tapping Get Quote below now!

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Navigation -Menu

Top 5 elements in getting a great website

Navigation and the menu structure Is the menu easy to navigate to find content for a person? The navigation menu of a website is one area that cannot be overlooked. It’s important for visitors to easily find what they are looking for and avoid any confusion about your site content, which can drive them away

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Shopping ads Certification _ Google-2

Google Shopping Ads Certified

Edition1 are proud to announce our new certification from Google for Shopping ads to our existing certificates of Analytics and Adwords. We always enjoy providing advice to our client’s and just and love setting up Adwords and Shopping campaigns that convert into direct sales. We are now professionally certified to provide such advice and look

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